Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Life Update

It's been forever since I last blogged, and a lot has happened. So I'm just going to take a moment to update you all on my life.

First of all, things with Denicito are still going absolutely marvelously. We're going on 6 months now! Love his freaking guts.

Secondly, I quit my job in the Chinese Department. Though I was loving the work I was doing there, I actually got recruited back to my old job in the athletics department. Going back to work there felt like going home. It really is so great to be working there again. So Blessed.

Third, I moved out of my apartment and into a studio apartment all by my little lonesome and I freaking love it. And it is sooooo darn cute (not to worry, there will be pictures soon). It's tiny, but I have made it into my own little haven and I adore it. Coming soon is a post about the size of the bathroom, so be prepared for shock and awe.

Fourth, I got a new calling in my ward. Yes, you guessed it, Relief Society President! I'm actually really excited and grateful for this calling. I've been feeling like I need some extra strength and guidance right now as I'm in a new phase of life trying to figure out where I'm going and then BAM! The Lord gives me this calling that is accompanied with billions of blessings. It's a win win.

So that's it for now, but I will soon be adding a post dedicated solely to the studio. Its worth the wait. I promise.


  1. Sounds like life is very fulfilling and very busy right now. It sounds like you are happy too, which of course you deserve. I wanna see your place!!! HOw long do you think you will be living there?

  2. Hola Danniel, me siento inmensamente feliz con esta foto. Mi esposa y yo te amamos y sabemos que estas recibiendo las bendiciones y herramientas para el tiempo por venir. Gracias por compartir esto tan importante. Ruego que nuestro Padre Celestial te bendiga y proteja siempre. Eres muy, muy especial(mi Denniscito tambien). Dennis's Author

  3. That's the kind of post that makes my day :) You and Dennis are so cute together, I can't wait till you tie the knot... oh did I say that out loud?! :)Congrats on your new job and new calling!

  4. wow wow wow! what an intense entry! wow! this whole page is just intense intense intense!

  5. gees dennis, next time take off your sunglasses so she doesn't have to shmear her eye ball all over them..... :)

    Cool entry.

  6. I love everything about his post. Please bless one day we will reunite on the third floor of the SAB.

    ...and maybe even order some Legends.
