Holy Guacamole! It has been far too long since I have last blogged! Life as of late has literally been INSANE!! Between working 3 jobs, trying to magnify my rather large Church calling and planning a wedding, blogging opportunities have become rather sparse. But other than life being outrageously occupied, it is wonderful and of course Dennis has been a gem, as usual. There has not been any toilet seat blow drying, but there have been plenty of other amazingly generous acts! So here's the run down. I am doing my student teaching this semester, yes, the day has finally come and it has been amazing so far! I could not have been more blessed in my placement with my Mentor Teacher, she is wonderful and we get along great. I am teaching Junior High (7th-9th grade) Spanish and I seriously adore it. I could not be more sure that I was predestined to be a teacher. I have sooo much fun with the kids. They make me laugh all the time. Though those of you who know me well, you will understand the serious hardship I'm having with this whole student teaching thing when I say, that I have to leave my house at 6:50am every morning. I AM NOT A MORNING PERSON! I despise it. But once I've breached the arduous hurdle of actually getting out of bed, it's pretty smooth sailing from there on out.
So once I get done with Student Teaching around 3:00pm, its time to head
from the job I get to pay BYU to do,
to my money making job in athletics. I was working that job till 9:00pm everynight... but that only lasted 3 weeks when I realized I was going to shoot someone if I didn't get more sleep. Now I only stay until 7:00pm, which has made a world of difference.
Then after that, I have been working for the Chinese Department again! At the beginning of the semester, the Professor who I worked with over the summer contacted me about doing some more work on his Cantonese book. His publishers liked the book so much they wanted to make a tapescript of it so they could create an audio version. And I was the lucky winner for that job! It's actually super interesting to me, and I was glad they thought of me to do, I can always use more money. Though Dennis ended up helping me a ton since I was so overwhelmed with everything else! We finished the whole book last week and it felt amazing to turn it all in. And now that that project is done, they have asked me to make an index for the book. Which is perfect timing since I only working till 7:00 now.
In addition to that, I have been doing a little bit of wedding planning here and there...well, I take that back, I have been doing A LOT of wedding planning. I think we pretty much have a plan for everything, now we just need to put those plans into action. The first project I have decided to tackle is my bouquet. Instead of doing real flowers, I am doing flower brooches and rings and such. This was my inspiration. I think I have finally collected all of the flowers, and have started putting it all together. I will post a DIY blog about that soon with other wedding details as well! So stay tuned, I am officially back into the blogging world!